Sheryl Zelten
I live with my husband in Melrose and we have 2 college age daughters. I enjoy being outdoors and love to cross country ski, kayak, hike, run and make pottery outside in my back yard! Growing up in Vermont gave me a special appreciation for nature and all it's beauty! On the weekends I love to explore all of New England; it's mountains, beaches, lakes, and trails.
I have worked as an occupational therapist with special needs students for almost 40 years. I love to help special needs kids develop new skills and achieve their potential!
I work in ceramics and sitting on the porch of my studio throwing pots is one of my favorite things to do! I began working in stoneware 35 years ago, and as of late I have enjoyed working in porcelain. I am partial to high fire glazes and I love blue, green, purple, and red glazes. Most of my pieces are functional such as plates, bowls, mugs, chips and dip plates, and pie plates.